Benefits And System Components of WIMAX
Posted: Selasa, 20 April 2010 by Mr_Oct in Label: WiMAX Benefits, WiMAX System Components
WiMAX Benefits
Bandwidth and reach of WiMAX enabled technology is used in the following applications:
Linking one-Wi-Fi hotspot with other Wi-Fi hotspots and the Internet;
-Providing the latest broadband access alternatives other than cable and DSL;
-Provide telecommunications services and high speed data;
-Provide a different source for internet connectivity
as part of the company's sustainability plans. Where, if
a company has an Internet connection and cable-based
wireless, especially from different providers, such connectivity
will not be affected by the unavailability of the same services.
WiMAX System Components
A WiMAX system consists of two parts:
WiMAX transmitter mast, similar to the concept of mobile phone transmitter mast, where a pole WiMAX transmitter can cover a relatively wide area (~ 8000 sq km) Recipients of WiMAX, which may be a small box or PCMCIA card, or can be implemented into the laptop, as well as WiFi access now.
WiMAX transmitting station can be connected pole directly to the Internet using cable-based connections with high bandwidth (eg, T3 lines). Can also connect with other WiMAX transmitter with microwave connections. Connections to other transmitters (often referred to by the name of backhaul) and the ability of a transmitter that can cover approximately 8000 square kilometers are two things that allows WiMAX to provide Internet coverage to suburban areas / hinterland.