WiMAX Standards

Posted: Kamis, 15 April 2010 by Mr_Oct in Label: ,

WiMAX is an international standard of the BWA that refer to the IEEE 802.16 standard. This standard is then further developed by a joint forum between companies of the world who are members of the WiMAX Forum. IEEE 802.16 has several variants that are meant to develop performance and capabilities of WiMAX technology. Types of IEEE 802.16 standards can be seen in the following table:

Three variants of the most famous is the IEEE 802.16 (which first appeared), IEEE 802.16d or 802.16-2004 / IEEE 802.16-2005 and d / e. Difference and the third specification standards can be seen in Table 4.2. The fundamental difference between the IEEE 802.16 standard with the IEEE 802.16d standard is the type propagasinya, where IEEE 802.16 require LOS conditions, while in the IEEE 802.16d can operate at LOS and NLOS conditions. Development of the IEEE 802.16d standard for fixed and nomadic WiMAX is the IEEE 802.16e standard for mobile WiMAX focused.
WiMAX in the future development also made to support high mobility with fidelity mobile technology with IEEE 802.20 mobile WiMAX IEEE 802.16e, where both technologies have a lower bandwidth of IEEE 802.16 but has a very high mobility up to the speed of 125-250 km / hours.

IEEE 802.16 only fit for backhaul applications because they do not support the type of NLOS propagation, in contrast to the IEEE 802.16d and IEEE 802.16e can be used for backhaul and broadband personal service. Two final specification IEEE 802.16d and IEEE 802.16e has advantages and disadvantages of each that would be suitable depending on user mobility, data rates and coverage desired BS.

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